Palm Springs Library Foundation


The Palm Springs Library Foundation sought to educate the public about its work and mission. Essentially, funding the lion’s share of the library’s expansion and new construction. The organization is creating a new chapter in the evolution of the Palm Springs Library, building a cultural and educational juggernaut for the community. As such, they are creating a space where people can meet, learn, attend events, enjoy an impressive range of media resources, and feel they belong. It is a library for the 21st century. Its success depends on buy-in from public entities and the local community, and, of course, fundraising.

With a combination of eblasts, ads, outdoor, and an updated website, the agency employed a mix of media to get the word out. As the Palm Springs Library Foundation creates a library for the 21st century, it continues a 100+ year legacy. The tagline: Reimagined for the next century.

Palm Springs Library Foundation
Palm Springs Library Foundation